You were
the right person for the job
and you made a wonderful team
leader. I have been involved
in the GSE programme over 10
years and seen many visiting
GSE teams. You and your team
can be rated amongst the best
of them. You made a great impression
on Rotarians throughout our
District and I know that many
now have a renewed interest
in GSE matters because of it.
- Mervyn Davies GSE Chair D1180
GSE Chair Mervyn Davies |
It was a pleasure
and privilege to host you and we thoroughly
enjoyed your company and the interesting
insight into life in India. I truly
believe that such visits bring nations
together and we have a great deal
to learn from you as a nation. I was
impressed with the Welsh you learned
on your visit - Rtn. Walter Roberts
Member RC of Denbigh & my host.
I have had many club members saying
to me how much they enjoyed you and
the team's presentation - Paul Leidecker,
2004-05 President North Wirral.
Thanks for being a great team - I
certainly made the correct decision
link with your District! - Colin James
District Governor. D1180